Ongoing Theses
Suggested Topics
Completed Theses
Master Thesis: Improving Interoperability of Wearables by Integrating them into the Web of Things
Master Thesis: Validation of an Ontology for an IIoT Use Case Database
Master Thesis: Strategien zur Entwicklung eines Langzeitarchivs von Deployment Event Logs
Master Thesis: A Knowledge Graph from Financial Reports
Master Thesis: Knowledge Extraction Solution with Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Graphs
Master Thesis: Verification of Systems-of-Systems using Model Checking
Master Thesis: An Interactive Hypertext-based Linked Data Browser
Master Thesis: REST Principles and IoT Protocols
Master Thesis: Text2Turtle (T2T) – The transformation of Wikipedia texts into a Knowledge Graph
Thesis Guidelines
0. Formal requirements
- Before looking for a topic at the Chair of Technical Information Systems, please check the exam regulations of your specific study program about bachelor/master thesis exam formal requirements (e.g., lecture ECTS prerequisite). If you have doubt please contact the responsible person of your study program directly. For master program IIS students, it is not a prerequisite to have module ECTS at our chair before you apply for a thesis. Still, we encourage students who are interested in a master thesis at our chair to attend the lecture Foundations of Linked Data.
1. Find a topic
- You can suggest your own topic (within the research interest of the chair) for bachelor/master thesis: please send a short description of the topic and your current grade report to
- You can also choose a topic from the list of suggested topics: send your current grade report to the contact person in the topic description page.
- You meet with your supervisor to concretize the topic and write an exposé of the thesis.
2. Registration
- Once the topic and the start date are fixed, fill in the thesis registration form and hand it to your supervisor.
- Send Zhou Gui an abstract of the topic to be showed at the chair website as ongoing thesis.
- Please subscribe to our student seminar mailing list, you will need to present your work during the student seminars.
3. Supervision
- You are responsible for organizing regular meetings with your supervisor.
- You should give a midterm presentation (15 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes questions) about half way through your master thesis project.
- You should give a final presentation (20 minutes presentation plus 10 minutes questions) after you hand in the thesis.
- We strongly suggest all students attend the student seminars.
4. Thesis requirements (only applies to students in the master program IIS)
- You can write your thesis in English or German upon your choice (discuss with your supervisor).
- The thesis should be around 60-80 pages, around 20,000 words, which refers to the pure text in the body part.
- The LaTex template for writing master thesis can be downloaded here. It is recommended but not compulsory to use this template.
5. Final submission and grading (only applies to students in the master program IIS)
- You need to hand in 2 copies of your printed thesis together with source code (in USB/CD/DVD) directly to the examination office.
- The grade will be available after your final defense.